Monday, March 12, 2007


Stop Sabotaging Yourself (Part 1 - Self-Sabotage)
When it comes to self-improvement, we're often our own worst enemy. Self-sabotage is usually the main reason why our lives are not working out the way we want them to.
Deep within each of us lie powerful limiting beliefs that constrict our freedom and development. They often have their roots in our childhood and adolescence, but we can also pick them up from negative company and the media we expose ourselves to. Things like believing that "my luck is worse than other people's", "marriage kills the romance", "my talents are limited", "I'm not attractive enough", "I can't do anything about my body", "I'll never be rich", or "I can't stop wrecking my relationships!"
We may not always verbalise these beliefs but they act as an invisible choke collar that gives us a hard yank each time we try to venture beyond our comfort zones. Over time, we learn to accept that we are mere tokens in a game of chance; that things will never work out for us, that we have bad luck, that we don't deserve to be loved, or that we just don't have what it takes to be happy and successful.
Think about the major aspects of your life where you feel unfulfilled - your appearance, your job, your finances, your social life, your relationship. How often do you repeat past errors or simply keep doing nothing because you think you "can't" or that "there's no point"?
Maybe you think you're physically unattractive and you'll never find someone to love you. Maybe you think you're not good enough to find a better job. Perhaps you live hand-to-mouth because you need your expensive fixes to keep you going. Maybe you hate meeting and talking to people because you feel inferior and intimidated. Or perhaps you repeatedly damage your relationships with your insecurity and bad temper.
These beliefs seem painfully real to us because we subconsciously create situations that ensure they come true. If you think you're unattractive, you probably don't smile often, don't look people in the eye, pay no mind to grooming and shun social settings. Well, it's no wonder there's no romantic prospect in sight! If you think your talents aren't good enough for a better job, you probably stick with your current position day in day out without even thinking of sending out a job application! If you cannot stop feeling jealous or unloved each time your partner doesn't fulfill your expectation, you will continue bombarding him or her with tantrums, outbursts, and accusations until the relationship falls apart.
This is the power of self-sabotage - the seemingly uncontrollable inclination to ensure failure because you think you're not capable of success. It's your own excuse for not making things better. Fortunately, you can effectively overcome self-sabotage. Join me in the next programme as we explore ways we can stop sabotaging ourselves and start supporting ourselves instead!

A Slice of Life is written, produced and presented by Eugene Loh unless otherwise stated. If you wish to share the scripts with others, please credit it to 'Eugene Loh, A Slice of Life, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio'.


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