Saturday, January 14, 2006

About me

JY said that I am hyper logical.
XB said she is not so worried about me as compared to YL.

I wonder if I really give that logical, heartless and cool look.

Haha... I wonder.

Nvm, I shall think about the issue in another way.

First of all, why would I want to make my friends worry about me? Haha.. of course everyone wants concern from other people but I guess concern need not equate to getting your friends' needless worries.

I being 22 already have to know how to handle my life and my responsibilities. Friends are good to be there to give some advices, listen to my complaints and share my joy. But ultimately I am the only one responsible for my own life.

Hence if my friends are not worried for me, it is caused they know that I can take care of myself well and that that I am a responsible adult.

Hyper logical... haha... I live with this comment first.

Heartless or not, I still believe that at my very least, I have not caused other people to get hurt or blame them for my problems.


Blogger Azzurra said...

You believe in going to the heart of the problem directly? May I do that for the first time? heh

You don't want want to give friends needless worries, so you verbalise only after rationalisation. But moments when you have problems, or stressed, are very obvious (to me at least. In the past at least). So what happens? I can see you've got a problem, and you refuse to speak of it. And what I'm left to do? Worry.

But as what turtle has stated some time ago, there's virtue in verbalising problems. I take her to mean what I mean =)

You don't give a logical, heartless and cool look. You look blur, pure, innocent, whatever. You *sound* logical and intellectual, that's why it's fun to discuss guo2 jia1 da4 shi4 with you. When giving advice, on the other hand, you don't want to sugar up the medicine to make it easier to administer. So sensitive people get hurt. What if they do the same thing to you? You too get hurt. As I said you cried in that Turkish restaurant in Greenwich. The turtle shell isn't all impermeable. The turtle does get hurt. But more often you swallow the tears, if the advice makes sense. That's why you often speak for "the bad guys". More like you only speak for logic. That's why you are hyper-logical.

You analyze problems considering the maximum amount of qing2 and li3. You actually give the best solution a lot of times. I bet if you use the right vocabulary, tone and body language, many more friends will actually be persuaded by you.

3:26 AM  

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