Friday, January 19, 2007

Update for third week of January

This is the third week of January 2007.

Updates for this weeks are:

1) Jiamin invited me to her district meeting on Friday evening. It was a great meeting and I would like to write down some of the thoughts that came up during the meetings.

(a) The lotus sutra was written with many stories, like the Parable of the Phantom City, the Parable of the medicinal herbs. The functions of these parables is to make difficult concepts accessible to the public. Like these parables, our life stories are meant to be meaning lessons and material for us to use to share our buddhism with other people. Why do we face problems? Cos if we rise from our difficulties and succeed. We can use our life stories to motivate and encourage other people who are going through similar problems.

b) One of the members use the image of Mount Fuji to motivate her chanting. I think images work for me as well. Hence I will use the image of Mount Fuji to tell myself that I must chant and be as stronger as Mount Fuji.

c) Do not harbour any doubt when you are chanting. Dun let the negativity affects you.

After the district meeting, Jiamin and I went out for icecream supper!! Haha... but i still prefer the icecream from Christina's!

2) WS, JM and I met out for dinner on Saturday evening. We had delicious Thai food. Yummy yummy. After dinner, we watched a movie, Donnie Darko, at the tv lounge on level 6 of sidney pacific. Donnie Darko is a psychology thriller. Hmm.. reminds me of Molholland Drive. But i think Molholland Drive is more scary and much more exciting towards the end.

Donnie Darko is pretty good too. I remembered how Jy used to say that american movies failed to use background music, lightings to create a sense of fear effectively as they concentrate a lot more on special effects. I think Donnie Darko used the background music and lightings very effectively. haha.. mebe this is because it is filmed in the 1980s but special effects are not that great yet. So the point is when u gain some, u lose some? Hmm.. I think it really takes a lot of effort into making a good movie and maximising the technology that you have to create good efffects.

3) Officially started on my rotation project. Spent a week reading and doing some preliminary experiments. Hmmm.. now i know why my prof said that my preliminary experiments were done well cos they are actually better than the first results i got from the actual experiments. haha...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Of Lizards and Man

Of Lizards:

I am reading a paper in evolutionary dynamics and an interesting fact about lizards caught my eye.

"There exist three morphs of the male Lizard Uta stansburiana who differ in their mate-guarding behaviour.
Type A - monogamous and succeeds in preventing other males from approaching their mate.
Type B - polygamous and less efficient, having to split its effort on several females.
Type C - does not engage in mate guarding behavior at all but roams around in search of sneaky matings."
(Quote from: Science, vol 303, pg 795)

The original research is published in Nature 380, 240 - 243 (21 March 1996
Another result in the paper is that all three kinds of lizards are evolutionary favorable and their numbers will oscillate. Meaning that if a kind is rare, this kind will be able to invade the other 2 more common kinds. But when it is common, it becomes invadable by the other 2 kinds. Hmmmm... and there are evidence of this oscillatory behavior.

Of Man:
Hmmm... I guess there is nothing much to say. Mebe we are unlucky in the sense that our generation is the age where the type A are going extinct. But oh well, it is good to know that they will never go extinct. And that there will be a rebounce of type A guys in future. (when they become rare enough). Haha.. =P

Must start keeping a look out for younger guys.. haha.. 0ops... haha..

Sunday, January 07, 2007

7th of January 2007

I have been slacking a lot for the past few weeks ever since the end of my genetics exam on the 20 Dec 2006. That is why there are so many blogs about dramas that I watched. Think tomorrow will be the day to recharge myself again and I foresee that this semester will be a very hectic one.

I must say that I am a person who is easily overwhelmed by emotions and stress. Sometimes even foreseeing the stress makes me sad. Haha.. but i guess it is time to grow up and learn to cope with such things. Must always remember that if "黑夜如果不黑暗 美梦又何必向往". =)

I was trying to write my new year resolution by looking at my new year resolution for 2006. And I realize that actually none of the resolutions have changed. haha... so well, i should just cut and paste them in here. =P

Friends:1) Keep old friends.
- Write a list of friends who I want to stay in touch and ask them out often for dinners.
- Learn to treat friends the way that they feel most comfortable with. Note the difference in opinions between them and me ba and dun try to impose my opinion on them.

2) Have new friends.
- Have friends that think similarly as me. Haha.. so that I will know that I am not the one big weirdo who thinks different from the rest of the world. (Have to thank two friends who are there to share my views so that I feel more assured about my stand and more determined to assert my opinion.)
- Have friends who think differently as me. Learn to accept differences. So that life will be more interesting.

1) Improve on communication skills by reading more, talking more.
2) Learn to get comfortable with talking to more people. Learn to ignore remarks that I cannot stand.
3) Brush up on my formal mask. The mask that I wear while interacting with people i work with, collegues, lab people, etc.
4) Build up self-esteem and self confidence, courage, optimism and of course my happiness index.
5) Learn as much as I can. Overcome the stagnation of my learning curve.
6) Be less affected by what other people say.

Graduate School and Research:
1) Find a good lab, project and advisor.
2) Get along with Lab people.
3) Good housing.
4) Good courses.
5) Have faith that I will be a good researcher and work hard towards the goal.

1) Let Mian Mian and Yang Yang be happy always.
2) Faith, study and practice.

Have been thinking about the meaning of life and how to cope with death sometimes. Hmm.. but i guess i have been reached any conclusion yet. Will think about it more.

Friday, January 05, 2007

SHE lyrics

If there is a second ACE Album, let's have these 3 songs in it. Haha..



H:相约来到这世上 就在途中失散 走的路是否一样
S:看着同一片艳阳 我忽然有预感 周围的陌生人会遇上
E:也许是你笑的弧度和我很像 也许是因为守护的星座和我一样
H:也许是漫长的黑夜特别孤单 才会背靠着背一起等天亮
E:黑夜如果不黑暗 美梦又何必向往
E:黑夜如果太黑暗 我们就闭上眼看
H:希望若不熄灭就会亮 (酿)成心中的星光

E:上帝布置的悲伤和分配的阳光 你和我是否一样
S:拥抱同一种信仰我忽然有预感 我们会是彼此的星探
H:也许是你笑的弧度和我很像 也许是因为守护的星座和我一样
E:也许是漫长的黑夜特别孤单 才会背靠着背一起等天亮
H:黑夜如果不黑暗 美梦又何必向往 破晓会是坚持的人最後获得的奖赏
S:黑夜如果太黑暗 我们就闭上眼看 希望若不熄灭就会亮 (酿)成心中的星光


泪 有点咸 有点甜 你的胸膛吻着我的侧脸回头看踏过的雪 慢慢融化成草原 而我就像你 没有一秒 曾后悔
ella: 爱 那么绵 那么黏 管命运 设定要谁离别 海岸线越让人流连 总是美的越蜿蜒 我们太倔强 连天都不忍 再反对
s.h.e: 深情一眼挚爱万年 几度轮回恋恋不灭 把岁月铺成红毯 见证我们的极限 心疼一句珍藏万年 誓言就该比永远更远 要不是沧海桑田 真爱怎么会浮现
hebe: 泪 有点咸 有点甜 你的胸膛吻着我的侧脸 回头看踏过的雪 慢慢融化成草原 而我就像你 没有一秒 曾后悔
selina: 爱 那么绵 那么黏 管命运 设定要谁离别
hebe: 海岸线越让人流连 总是美得越蜿蜒 我们太倔强 连天都不忍 再反对
s.h.e: 深情一眼挚爱万年 几度轮回恋恋不灭 把岁月铺成红毯 见证我们的极限 心疼一句珍藏万年 誓言就该比永远更远 要不是沧海桑田 真爱怎么会浮现
s.h.e: 深情一眼挚爱一年 几度轮回恋恋不灭 把岁月铺成红毯 见证我们的极限 心疼一句珍藏万年 誓言就该比永远更远 要不是沧海桑田 真爱怎么会浮现摆渡過斜風冷雨 春暖在眼前


老是把空气全都吸光了 害得我你害得我在你面前呼吸急促需要叫救护车

