Friday, November 25, 2005

Graduation Trip with family

An incident during my graduation trip that truly made me pause and think:

In washington mall:

My parents and I were walking along the mall. There was this black family in front of us and they have quite a few young kids with them. My dad loves kids. In singapore when he sees kids he will laugh at them and go talk to them, (play with them and make them laugh)

He does this often in singapore.

What i did not expect is that he did the exact same thing to the black kids. He went up to chat with them a little. The kids looked surprise by his friendly gestures, and being young kids, they were shy and walked away in small giggles. But they did turn back occasionally to look at us.

The black parents soon realized that my dad was playing with their kids and chatted with us a bit, asking us where we were from and what we were doing in the states. My dad answered everything with smiles and laughs.

This is my first time in the states, where I see a stranger to a black family, extending such friendly gestures to the kids and family.

I am proud that stranger is my dad.


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