Monday, October 09, 2006

Why Changjin is a good doctor?

After being in a biology lab for two weeks, I have came to appreciate why Changjin can change from a good cook to become a good doctor. Actually e skill set is e same. To be a good biologist (which is more similar to being a good doctor) you need to be able to do lab work really well.

Examples of why cooking can help in labwork.
1) Handling of gels. if you can hold tofu well.. i guess 0.5% agarose will be no problem for you.
2) Adding of reagents. You need to remember how much and which reagent to add exactly.
3) Incubation time. If you can know how long to fry ur stuff and can control the temperature well, i guess u will nv miss or overshoot an incubation. Or incubate at too high a temperature.
4) Lab-book recording: Remember changjin's recipe book?

Okie.. i guess you all get the point... sigh.. e other point is why ruizhen is not a good biologist. =(


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